Daily Completed Tasks

Backend: Rust. Frontend: React + Redux + Typescript

NobleBlocks Update - July 26st

  • fix issues on register/signin function in nobleId backend

  • create notification feature for asking additional information in nobleid backend

  • update local_user_index database in nobleid backend

  • enable IPv6 for email feature on VPS.

  • host and test email api on web2 backend.

  • implement guard system on register/login/request_verification/send_request_notification functions in nobleid backend

  • implement verification success notification function in nobleid backend

  • add get_jobs method in user_index canister

  • update user_info and user struct in user_index and local_user_index canister

  • add append_jobs method to insert new job in user_index canister

  • update append_degree method in user_index canister

  • update append_domain_expertise method in user_index canister

  • change degree and domain expertise from HashSet to HashMap in user

  • implement deserialize feature for Jobs to convert to String type in user_index and local_user_index canister

  • update append_jobs method in user_index canister

  • add set_degree_status_by_admin in user_index canister

  • add set_domain_status_by_admin in user_index canister

  • add set_job_status_by_admin in user_index canister

  • add get_jobs, user_info apis in user_index and local_user index

  • modify doi import feature

  • modify publication and article page

  • modify get_article_info api in artice_index

  • add article_type field in article view page

  • add parse feature in article view page

  • add the feature to show all contributors, remove 'abstract' text for doi import, fix feedbacks in article view page

  • fix menu display issue

  • add photo edit modal

  • add photo edit feature in setting and onboarding page

NobleBlocks Update - July 23rd

Zero Knowledge Proof (ZKP) and NobleID:

We’ve integrated Zero Knowledge Proof (ZKP) technology into our NobleID, aiming to provide a more secure and private user identity solution, surpassing existing platforms like ORCID.

  • Updated ZKP library on NobleID: Improved security and functionality.

  • Fixed issues in the ZKP library in NobleID backend: Ensured smooth operation.

  • Added zkp_key field in user database in NobleID backend: Enhanced user data security.

  • Implemented ZKP key generation for every user in NobleID backend: Automatically generates unique keys for users.

  • Implemented register/login using Internet Computer principal in NobleID backend: Streamlined and secure user authentication.

Domain Expertise Expansion:

We have expanded the domain expertise features to enhance user profiles and search capabilities.

  • Updated search_inviter method in user_index canister: Improved search functionality.

  • Added get_domain_expertise method in user_index canister: Enabled retrieval of user expertise.

  • Updated user_role, user_info, and user struct in user_index and local_user_index canister: Enhanced user data structure.

  • Added append_domain_expertise method to insert new domain expertise in user_index canister: Allowed users to add new areas of expertise.

Updates Based on Scientist Feedback:

We have implemented several updates based on feedback from our scientific community to improve usability and functionality.

  • Added get_domain_expertise and get_degree APIs in user_index: Facilitated access to user expertise and qualifications.

  • Modified API arguments for domain and degree expand feature in user_index and local_user_index: Improved API flexibility.

  • Added automatic degree and domain addition feature: Streamlined the process of updating user profiles.

  • Modified avatar, member, and username components: Enhanced user profile elements.

  • Modified setting and onboarding pages: Improved user experience during setup and onboarding.

NobleBlocks Update - July 22nd

  • add get_degrees method in user_index canister

  • update register_profile method in user_index and local_user_index canister

  • update user_summary, user_info struct in user_index and local_user_index canister

  • add append_degree method to insert new degree in user_index canister

  • update user_detail and user in user_index canister

  • update set_profile method in local_user_index canister

  • modify get_article_info, get_article_from_doi apis

  • modify degree component and view layout

  • remove 'Editor Instruction' section in add article and modify year field in setting page

  • modify sharemodal, article upload modal

  • modify new_article_by_doi, get_article_from_doi apis

  • modify article view page and update article store

  • add share feature to published article and modify publication page and article view page

  • modify get_article_from_doi, article_summary, get_users_by_doi apis

  • modify admin dashboard page and services

  • modify article view page

NobleBlocks Update - July 21st

  • updated get_article_info in local_article_index canister

  • added get_article_from_doi method in local_article_canister

  • updated new_article_by_doi method in article_index and local_article_index canister

  • updated get_article_from_doi method in local_article_canister to fix bugs.

  • updated get_article_from_doi method in local_article_index canister to add doi arg.

  • updated article_summary method in local_article_index canister

  • updated get_users_by_doi method in user_index canister to fix feedback.

NobleBlocks Update - July 19th

  • updated reset_password method with email sender

  • updated verify_code_resend with email_sender

  • update register_user method with email_sender

  • update verify_code method with email_sender

  • remove email job in user_index canister

  • implement email_sender

NobleBlocks Update - July 18th

  • changed register_profile method in user_index canister to allow Other roles additionally.

  • changed degree field of User in user_index and local_user_index canister to convert from Option to Vec.

  • updated set_profile and register_profile in user_index and local_user_index canister for changed degree.

  • redefined Serialize and Deserialize for User in user_index and local_user_index canister.

  • modify apis

  • modify roles in setting page

  • modify DOI feature

  • modify degree arg in apis

  • modify interface and store

  • modify setting page

  • update registration / sign in api

  • create user verification function for admin

NobleBlocks Update - July 14th

NobleID.org Backend Architecture

1. Design and Development:

- Design NobleID.org backend architecture.

- Work on NobleID.org backend.

2. API Modifications:

- Add a new API to get DOI information.

- Modify top-up Cycles modal.

- Add new API on article and modify toast position.

- Modify post modal, and settings, and add article page.

- Add new API to get notifications.

- Modify user and dashboard section in admin.

- Modify all canister view in admin section.

- Disable DOI import feature for live site and modify editor.

- Implement show all canister metrics feature on admin.

- Modify get metrics APIs.

- Modify DOI import and upgrade store version.

3. Features and Fixes:

- Update ZKP feature.

- Modify user data storage.

- Modify user registration part.

- Remove unused features such as article and post.

- Modify notification features.

- Fix cycles dispenser canister deployment issue.

- Update libraries with OpenChat libraries.

- Update and fix issues on NobleID.org.

4. Miscellaneous Modifications:

- Modify onboarding page and error messages on the add article page.

- Modify first and last name validation.

- Modify editor.

- Modify assets.

- Modify basic components.

- Modify autocomplete and role components.

- Modify article upload modal.

- Modify setting and header page.

- Modify environment and webpack configuration.

- Hosted NobleBlocks backend with domain api.nobleblocks.com.

5. Feature Updates:

- Updated test site with DOI import feature.

- Implemented sending emails with AWS SES.

- Tested updated features on test site before pushing to nobleblocks.com.

6. Deployment:

- Pushed updated frontend and backend to nobleblocks.com.

NobleBlocks Update - July 7th

We’re excited to share the latest updates and enhancements our development team has worked on. Here is a comprehensive overview of the new features and improvements across our platform's backend and frontend!

Backend Enhancements

Our backend team has implemented several key features and fixes to improve the functionality and reliability of our system.

Notifications & User Role Management

Profile Management

Admins can now set profiles more accurately, fixing previous issues with avatar errors. We've enhanced our system to send notifications when admins update user roles, ensuring that users are always informed of changes.

Bug Fixes & Enhancements

Critical bugs affecting account and article deletions have been fixed, ensuring smoother user experiences. We've also introduced new methods to manage canister configurations and dispense cycles, providing greater control and efficiency.

Metrics & Data Collection

User Model Enhancements

We've added new attributes to user profiles, such as degrees, suspension status, and admin status. This allows for more detailed and rich user information.

Frontend Enhancements

Our frontend team has made significant strides in refining the user interface and overall user experience.

Admin Dashboard & User Interface

The admin dashboard now features improved metrics visualization and easier user role management. The user interface enhancements include a revamped sidebar that makes accessing crucial settings like account deletion and privacy options quick.

Responsive Design & Layout Improvements

We've focused on making the platform highly responsive, especially for mobile users. New hooks and layout adjustments ensure a seamless experience across various devices.

Profile Previews & Information

Notification System

Content Engagement Features

We've enhanced the experience around content interaction. New modals for posts, articles, and user actions improve ease of use. Features like article upload modals and the DOI element in the navbar add convenience and functionality.

Technical Upgrades

Essential technical upgrades have been made in the background, such as improving environment settings, adjusting Webpack configurations, and updating our libraries to their latest versions.

These updates reflect our dedication to delivering a superior user experience on NobleBlocks. We’re excited for you to explore these new features and look forward to your feedback for even further improvements.

Thank you for your ongoing support and engagement with the NobleBlocks community!

July 7th

Here is a long list of updates since our last update

Backend Work

Notifications and User Role Management:

- Added notifications when admin approves/declines user roles.

- Updated notifications pusher service.

- Added `c2c_push_notification` method in notifications canister.

- Added `add_notifications_canister` method in notifications_index canister.

- Added `upgrade_notifications_canister_wasm` method in notifications_index canister.

- Added function to send notification for updating user role status by admin.

- Fixed `notifications_pusher` service.

- Added `subscription_remover` method in notification_pusher.

- Fixed issues during `delete_account` method.

- Fixed issues during `delete_article`.

Profile and Account Management:

- Updated `set_profile_by_admin` for avatar error.

- Updated `delete_account_by_admin` method in local_user_index canister.

- Updated `register_profile` method in local_user_index canister.

- Updated `update_profile_by_admin` method in local_user_index canister.

- Updated `update_user_role_status` method in local_user_index canister.

- Fixed `update_profile_by_admin` in local_user_index canister.

Posts and Articles:

- Updated `repost` method in post_index canister.

- Fixed `report_post` method in post_index canister.

- Updated `add_blob_references` method in local_article_index canister.

- Updated `invite_editor`/`invite_reviewer` methods in local_article_index canister.

- Updated `action_to_invitation` method in local_article_index canister.

- Hosted server related to get metadata to import DOI on VPS.

Cycle and Canister Management:

- Updated `top_up_cycles` method in cycles_dispenser canister.

- Updated `c2c_request_cycles` method in cycles_dispenser canister.

- Added `update_config` method in cycles_dispenser canister.

- Added `canister_type` in Canister model in cycles_dispenser canister.

- Added `get_canister_ids` method in cycles_dispenser canister.

- Added `get_canisterids` in cycles_dispenser canister.

Metrics and Common Methods:

- Added `get_common_metrics` method in notifications_index canister.

- Added `get_common_metrics` method in notifications canister.

- Added `get_common_metrics` method into other 9 canisters.

- Added notifications property in data of local_user_index canister.

- Added `get_notifications` method in notifications canister.

User Model Enhancements:

- Added `degree` into UserInfo in `get_user_by_username`.

- Added `is_suspended` and `is_admin` into the user model.

- Updated `suspend_user` method in user_index canister.

- Updated `set_notification_read_timestamp` method in user_index canister.

Frontend Work

User Interface Enhancements:

- Modified get metrics on admin dashboard.

- Updated user roles on left sidebar and show delete account feature on the setting/privacy page.

- Modified user edit and users count feature on admin page.

- Modified select box on post modal.

- Modified header of user section on admin page.

- Modified toggle on home and change role section on setting page.

- Modified color on left sidebar, added underline on header menu.

- Updated mobile navbar.

- Modified role verification.

- Modified color of menu on header.

- Modified common components.

Layouts and Hooks:

- Modified layout on mobile version using `useWindowSize` hook.

- Modified home layout.

- Modified setting page layout.

- Added `useMoveOutSide` hook.

- Modified profile preview, trending, admin dashboard section.

- Modified header and added 'Save Profile' button at the bottom of the setting page.

- Modified account and article layout.

Notifications and APIs:

- Added new notification interface, implemented user role verification, and hid user delete feature.

- Modified API interfaces and mobile toggle on follow and publication page.

- Added new APIs for getting canister metrics.

- Added new API for getting data from DOI URL.

- Modified get_user_info_by_user_name API.

- Modified user profile preview on username item.

- Modified get city lists API using axios.

Profiles and Components:

- Added professional and location information to profile preview modal.

- Added profile preview to avatar on member section.

Modals and Forms:

- Added article upload modal.

- Modified post modal.

- Modified new hooks and post, login, signup, comment, search user modals.

- Added DOI feature on navbar.


- Modified input field and autocomplete components.

- Modified metrics on admin page.

- Updated `@dfinity/agent` version.

- Modified env, webpack, and article upload modal.

- Modified add article section.

June 23rd, 2024

Backend :

  • Added cycles_dispenser: Implemented a new feature for managing cycles efficiently.

  • Implemented top-up cycles and user edit, remove user feature: Enhanced user management capabilities.

Frontend :

  • Modified verified roles: Updated roles on the settings page, comment modal, and input area for better clarity.

  • Modified user edit and users count feature: Improved admin page functionalities.

  • Upgraded store: Enhanced the store for a better user experience.

  • Added get_metrics method: Retrieve user metrics seamlessly.

  • Redefined local_user_index struct: Improved data structuring in library/types.

  • Added get_post_metrics method: Get detailed metrics for posts.

  • Added get_article_metrics method: Gain insights on article metrics.

  • Added get_users_by_role method: View lists of users in the Admin Dashboard.

  • Added get_cycles method: Monitor cycles in local_user_index canister via Admin Dashboard.

  • Added update_user_role_status method: Easily update user roles in Admin Dashboard.

  • Added get_cycles method in local_post_index: Track cycles in the local_post_index canister.

  • Added get_cycles method in local_article_index: Keep tabs on cycles in local_article_index canister.

  • Updated get_users_by_role method: Improved user role retrieval.

  • Added notification functionality: Notify everyone when a new post is added.

  • Added top_up_cycles method: Easily top up cycles in the cycles_dispenser canister.

  • Added notification_canister_id: Integrated into all canisters for streamlined notifications.

  • Added update_profile_by_admin method: Admins can now edit user profiles directly in the Admin Dashboard.

  • Added delete_account method: Admins can delete selected users and their content.

  • Added functions to delete all posts and articles of deleted users: Ensuring clean and efficient data management.

  • Added get_users_count_by_role: View the number of users by role in Admin Dashboard.

  • Added guard function: Checks canister_id in cycles_dispenser when topping up cycles.

  • Added c2c_notify_event: Saves canister_id when a local canister is added.

  • Updated login method: Retrieves all user roles upon login for a smoother experience.

June 20th

  • add city feature and new post notification feature

  • add get metrics apis on post and article index

  • integration on admin dashboard, modify navbar and avatar

  • modify admin apis, implement canister metrics and users feature on admin section

  • add update_user_role_status api, implement load and search feature on admin user section

  • add apis to get local canister cycles, implement on admin dashboard section

  • add load more feature, implement update user role feature on admin user section

  • add topup modal, modify notification

June 19th

  • add get metrics apis

  • add get users count feature on admin dashboard

  • add user metrics and local user index map args

  • modify post modal

  • research authentication system with ZKP

June 18th

Backend Updates

  • Added suspended_user's value to all canisters

  • Added confirm method: is_suspended_user(), to check suspended user status on every query and update

  • Added get_category_status method to check if there are new posts in the community page

  • Updated get_posts_by_category to get the new state of every post

  • Added get_users_count_by_role to get the number of users by role in Admin Dashboard

  • Added token expire feature

  • Modified backend APIs with suspend user

  • Modified get posts APIs with admin role and implemented unreport feature on community section

  • Integration on admin page (community and member section)

Frontend Updates

  • Modified dot menus and navbar

  • Modified webpack config

June 17th

  • modify notification interface

  • add new post notification feature

  • modify login apis

  • add category status feature

  • added suspended_user's value to all canister

  • added confirm method: is_suspended_user(), to check suspended user status every query and update on backend.

  • added get_category_status method to get if there are new posts in community page.

  • updated get_posts_by_category to get new state of every posts.

  • added get_users_count_by_role to get the number of users by Role in Admin Dashboard.

Backend Updates June 14

  • Fixed & finalized DOI import API on 3rd party service

  • Analyzed Zero Knowledge Proof ZKP concept

  • Analyzed Chaum-Pedersen protocol for authentication

June 8th - 13th 2024


Backend Updates

  • Implemented author verification process (50% complete) - Adding Zero Knowledge Proof (ZKP)

  • Added suspend_user and get_reported_user API

  • Modified reported community and members section

  • Modified backend APIs and completed integration on reports member section

  • Integration on admin members section

  • Role verification system (authors, editors, reviewers)

  • Assigned admin page APIs

  • Reviewed backend repository

  • Created MySQL to store locations

  • Reviewed admin APIs on backend repository

  • Reviewed user_index and local_user_index

  • Added Admin role to user role on backend

  • Added get_reported_users method

  • Added get_reported_posts method

  • Added suspend_user method

  • Added suspend_post method

  • Added set_admin_role method

Frontend Updates

  • Added profile detail view modal on username or avatar

  • Modified follow and message button

  • Worked on DOI import feature

  • Modified onboarding step

  • Added profile detail view modal on posts and publication page

  • Modified input field and info section on onboarding

  • Added navbar minimal version

  • Created reported posts and members page

  • Added admin role, created reports and dashboard

  • Modified admin dashboard page

  • Created user edit page

  • Modified post category scroll bar

We are excited about these improvements and look forward to your feedback. Stay tuned for more updates!

Updates before this date hasn't been added here

March 18th

  • create a new frontend structure

  • create a basic component

March 19th

  • create light/dark theme

  • create Onboarding welcome page

  • create basic components for Onboarding page

March 20th

  • create Login and Join modal

  • create Leaderboard section and Onboarding data section

  • create basic components for Onboarding data section

  • research about the web socket on IC for notification.

  • check worked on chat features

March 21th

  • create Profile type page on join section

  • create Photo page on join section

  • create basic components on join section

March 22th

  • create Basic components and Preview page on join section

  • login integration with backend

March 25th

  • Webpack build environment

  • Backend integration

  • change backend function

  • create store and store api

March 27th

  • update Community section in home page (100%)

  • update Members section in home page (100%)

  • update right panel in home page (90%)

  • change backend api

  • modify response data type

March 28th

  • complete community page

  • create publication page

  • create article page structure

  • backend integration with backend in onboarding section

  • modify onboarding page

March 29th

  • modify backend integration and page

  • create common functions and basic components

March 29th

  • update article page

  • work on addArticle page (40%)

April 1st

  • modify post_index, local_post_index, local_user_index api

  • modify navbar, category, post

April 2nd

  • add home page mobile responsive

  • home page integration

  • modify basic components

  • updated user model and implemented apis related to onboarding page.

April 3rd

  • create mobile responsive in Profile

  • integration with backend

  • create new layout

April 4th

  • work on add_article page (60%)

  • work on setting page (30%)

  • migrated apis for community and implemented trending feature today.

  • complete onboarding integration

  • create new backend api

  • add toast, modify routes

April 5th

  • create setting page ui including mobile responsive

  • update add_article page mobile responsive

  • added get_trending_posts method in post_index canister.

  • added get_suggested_users method in user_index canister.

  • modify home integration

  • modify basic components

  • create post modal

April 6th - 7th

  • added get_posts_by_users method in post_index

  • added get_posts_by_ids method in post_index

  • deployed new backend and frontend for test on ICP

  • update publication mobile responsive

  • update article page mobile responsive

  • fix some ui issue on add_article page

  • create post modal

  • modify home basic components

  • complete post modal, modify integration

April 8th - 9th

  • added and assigned tickets to fix issues on Onboarding, Community and Members.

  • updated get_user method.

  • updated new_post method.

  • added new local user canister.

  • profile integration

  • create new onboarding page

  • fix issue

  • modify post , suggest, navbar

  • modify login and join modal

  • modify post modal, home page

April 10th

  • added get_social_link in user_index

  • added set_social_link in user_index

  • added discord/instagram handles to social links in user model

  • modify layout and onboarding step

  • add header, footer

  • modify profile, fix issue in ui

  • update add article page (used and modified ckeditor)

April 11st

  • fix 8 issues/feedback

  • create following/follower page

  • update add_article (60%, customize ckEditor)

  • added get_users_by_ids method in user_index canister

  • added set_role method in local_usr_index canister

  • updated set_social_link method in user_index canister

  • fixed check_user_name method in user_index canister

  • added post_deleted event on all canisters

  • updated set_profile method in local_user_index

  • fix feedbacks

April 12th - 13th

  • modify backend apis

  • integration on follows, post detail page

  • integration on profile & social profile in setting page

  • modify routes, basic components

April 15th

  • modify account, route, navbar, profile, link

  • modify post detail & home page(with category)

  • fix feedbacks

April 16th

  • modify community and member in home

  • modify post detail with params

  • modify country name alphabet order

April 17th

  • change setting page

  • add post in profile and member section

  • modify mobile menu

April 18th

  • modify setting & fix feedback

  • modify link in account

  • create article layout and modify component

April 17th - April 19th

  • updated set_profile_2 method in user_index_canister

  • updated set_profile method in local_user_index canister

  • updated set_article_detail method in local_article_index canister

April 19th - 20th

  • modify article info

  • create article layout

  • add ckeditor and integration on article info

  • integration on cover letter, abstract and main article

  • integration on supplemental information, editor and agreement

  • fix security issues

April 21th

  • updated success_login information in user_index canister

  • added switch_user_role in user_index canister

  • updated user_role

  • updated methods related to invite editor/reviewer process

  • updated corresponding_author in set_article_detail method

April 22th

  • fixed issues on local_article and post_index canister

  • added get_article_info method in article_index canister

  • updated get_article_detail method

  • modify integration in article

  • create autocomplete component

  • create article action page

April 23th

  • integration on publication

  • integration on article action

  • add role change feature in Navbar and Account

  • updated search_users_by_username method in user_index canister

  • updated get_article_info method

April 24th

  • integration on article detail, invite editor and reviewer

  • delete and edit article feature in publication page

  • modify backend apis

April 25th

  • integration on publications and article action page

  • modify navbar, setting, invitation page

  • add specific user feature in post modal, modify leave modal

  • create decline modal and modify routes

  • add Expired token feature

  • fix mobile toggle issue

April 26th -29th

  • fix dot control icon issue on publication

  • fix scroll bar issue of peer review section

  • fix image show issue on publication

  • fix comment modal issue

  • fix show more issue on profile section

  • fix ui layout issue of profile section

  • fix content save issue on create article step

  • create decline modal and invitation page

  • modify routes, settings and register section

  • modify profile page

  • integration like and download feature on image modal

  • integration revision and publication article page

  • modify articleTab, revision

  • modify post modal, add article route

  • modify continue action on add article section

April 30th

  • modify backend apis and create comment modal

  • add comment using comment modal in home and profile page

  • modify header and home layout

  • modify profile and follows layout

  • modify setting, add article layout

  • modify article action, publication, article view layout

April 29th

  • updated get_article_info

  • updated get_posts_by_category

April 30th

  • checked feedbacks and added ticket

  • implemented cities database on canister

May 1

  • checked feedbacks and added ticket

  • checked notification and SMS feature on oc

  • fix thumb up icon issue

  • fix landing page desktop tab issue

  • fix landing page mobile tab issue

  • integration comment reply

  • add comment feature on image modal

  • modify header on landing page

May 2nd

  • modify landing header position

  • modify post detail load logic and comment

  • post view loading speed

May 3rd

  • optimized on published article view section

  • change get data function in article view

May 4th-5th

  • change load article data api

  • add skeleton in published article view

  • change profile url, avatar

  • modify role sub menu in navbar

  • create sample project for DOI import

  • make DOI metadata import function

May 6th

  • optimized edit article, article action

  • modify hamburger Menu

  • remove skeleton in published article view and article action page

  • modify category color, settings, postItem

  • checked new chat feature, notification and email feature.

  • checked new chat project structure

  • checked user verification step on docs

  • update DOI import ui

  • get and display DOI metadata

May 7th

  • fix abstract render issue

  • create footer

  • modify menu item in header

  • modify avatar in profile

  • optimize backend apis in profile

May 8th

  • research api to get abstract (elsevier, google scholar, crossref)

  • research developer guide of elsvier

  • optimized in profile page

  • add verified role in profile page

  • optimize backend apis in home page

May 9th

  • check user role docs and updated user model

  • updated set_profile method

May 11- 12

  • modify posts page

  • add comment feature to comment

  • create new comment item component

  • modify profile section in setting page

  • modify links in footer

  • add load more feature in posts

  • modify close feature in post and comment modal

  • modify backend apis

  • modify role input fields in profile section in setting page

  • modify links in footer, fix feedbacks

May 13th

  • updated get_article_info and get_posts method's parameter

  • updated user model & set_profile method

  • added report_post method into post_index

  • fixed deleted post

  • updated live site with new UI

  • fixed issues during deploying live site

  • updated user_index canister

May 14 - 15th

  • modify comment item and role

  • modify verified roles in setting page

  • fix feedbacks in live site

  • fix feedbacks in mobile version

  • modify first and last name validation feature

  • fix feedbacks in settings, profile, account and avatar

  • fix feedbacks in onboarding section

  • fix feedbacks in settings, posts, and header

  • fix profile page loading speed

Backend Updates (May 15 - 20):

  • Prevented external URLs from canisters.

  • Developed the location_index canister.

  • Migrated backend APIs to update settings and onboarding sections.

  • Added followers and block_users functionality in local_user_index.

  • Updated the get_users_by_ids method.

  • Removed unused methods and updated the get_posts_by_ids method.

  • Added mute and block state in user detail.

  • Updated and fixed issues with the delete_comment method.

Frontend Updates:

  • Added a share feature.

  • Modified utility links.

  • Updated the "About Me" and feedback sections.

  • Added report and block features.

  • Modified the right layout position when scrolling down.

  • Updated following and followers displays.

These tasks have been successfully integrated into the project, enhancing both the backend and frontend components.

May 21st

Backend Updates:

  • Added the report_user method in user_index.

  • Removed the title from userfeedback.

  • Added degree, country, and city into register_profile.

  • Added location and bio into UserSummary.

  • Added location into SuccessLogin.

  • Updated search users to show only members who have completed their profile.

Frontend Updates:

  • Modified the onboarding process.

  • Modified the settings page.

  • Modified feedbacks.

Upcoming Integration with Other Platforms:

  • Researching ZKLink for crosschain integration.

  • Creating a NOBL token contract for Arbitrum.

  • Creating a NOBL token contract for BASE.

  • Creating a NOBL token contract for Solana.

  • Creating a NOBL token contract for Polygon.

  • Creating a NOBL token contract for Binance Chain.

These updates and upcoming integrations aim to enhance the functionality and reach of the NobleBlocks platform.

May 22th

  • update NOBL token contract for Arbitrum.io (add mint, block user, enable/disable trade feature)

  • design cross-chain architecture according to ZKlink research result

May 23 - 26

  • Tested NOBL Arbitrum token contract on testnet

  • Fixed / modified some features on token contract

  • Developed notification canister

  • Research zkLink for NOBL token crosschain again

  • Research standard bridge of Base chain

  • Research ckERC20 for ckNOBL creation

  • Made our own minimal text editor

  • Integrating editor into our project

May 27

  • Worked on ckNOBL integration (15%)

  • analyze ckETH/ckERC20 source code

Backend Updates (May 28-30):

  1. Added repost method into post_index canister.

  2. Added add_blob_references method into local_article_index canister.

  3. Added get_blob_references method into local_article_index canister.

  4. Tested notification canister locally.

Frontend Updates (May 28-30):

  1. Integrating WYSIWYG editor with the article posting section.

  2. Fixed UI feedback regarding the settings page, profile page, and posts feed.

  3. Added image feature in the WYSIWYG editor.

Additional Work (May 28-30):

  1. Worked on ckNOBL integration.

June 1st - 5th

Backend Tasks Completed:

  1. Merged notifications canister into backend.

  2. Implemented notification pusher to fetch data from canister and push notifications to service.

  3. Added notification APIs.

  4. Added service worker for web push notifications.

  5. Modified service worker for web push notifications.

  6. Worked on ckNOBL proposal.

  7. Worked on ZKLink integration.

  8. Worked on NOBL token creation on ZKLink Nova.

  9. Worked on zkLink Nova chain integration.

  10. Researched ZKP (Chaum-Pedersen protocol) for user authentication.

  11. Discussed ckNOBL on Dfinity forum.

  12. Discussed ckNOBL with a Dfinity team member.

Frontend Tasks Completed:

  1. Fixed UI-Audit feedback on settings, profile, and posts.

  2. Added image feature in editor.

  3. Modified verified role badge in user profile.

  4. Modified check validation in editor, posts, and pop-up menu in the header.

  5. Added media link and removed 'Get NOBL' link in the header.

June 6th

  • modify service worker register

  • modify notification backend apis

  • modify onboarding and setting page

June 7th

  • add notification store, modify service-worker

  • modify notification apis and types

  • create notification popups

  • modify Gender option in setting page

  • modify Profile mobile version

Last updated